A comprehensive cognizance of diversity demands an understanding of the nuances of white privilege, white fragility, diversity, and inclusion. Their differences are subtle, but so incredibly significant to recognize. White privilege, as the ingrained, overarching advantage given to white people, naturally leads into white fragility, the raw emotion, defensiveness or fear white people feel when being censured for something they consider normal. It’s the apprehension, or even panic, they feel when their values are questioned, considered lacking or are threatened.
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Diversity and inclusion must also be parsed, understood that they are not synonymous, but are indeed two separate, but equal, facets of the same conversation. Diversity, the merging of ethnically varied people into one unit, is quantifiable and fact-based. It can be objectively measured whereas inclusion is subjective, based solely upon emotion and opinion. One person may feel an act is inclusive, while another may see the same act in the same circumstances as divisive. Inclusion cannot be calculated with any degree of authority.
Regardless of calculability, all citizens of the world must recognize that white fragility and white privilege, diversity and inclusion are incredibly personal and unique to each individual. Change is inevitable and people must look at that inevitable change as an opportunity to bond with other people, to learn from them regardless of race or ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion or class. In order to moderate volatile emotions that precipitate change in such deep-rooted emotions and values, all people must have the courage to assess their individual prejudices, identify how changes can be made, and resolve to work toward a more communal and respecting global community. Such changes may be incredibly difficult for adults, but by using literature and art (among countless other disciplines) to demonstrate to younger generations that mutual respect is paramount, the world can have a stronger tomorrow, a respectful tomorrow, an inclusive tomorrow.
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